Regenerative Living

Regenerative living

describes a holistic approach to life that focuses on Action

beyond “sustainable” to create

Thriving Communities

Generally speaking, we achieve this by nurturing our natural environment, building strong relationships, and promoting individual and collective well-being. Regenerative living is more than a lifestyle; it is a worldview that recognizes the interconnection of all living things and the fundamental need to create a regenerative system that supports the health and well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants.

This is not a new concept. Indigenous communities around the world have been practicing regenerative living for centuries, living in harmony with nature and cultivating a deep connection to the land. In recent years, however, the term has gained more widespread popularity as people become more aware of their impact on the environment and the need to reimagine their lifestyle. 

Naturally, at the heart of regenerative living is the idea of regeneration. 


Every live organism—from bacteria and soil to floresta, water, and humans—is capable of regeneration. We love Kiss the Ground’s  definition of this popular buzzword:

“Regeneration is more than a tool to sequester carbon. It’s the path to honoring Indigenous wisdom and practices that will build resiliency and abundance for future generations.”

Regeneration occurs both in our body and in our environment, restoring the inner and outer landscape.

What does regeneration of the body look like? It means purifying our vessel (the body) with pure waters, organic foods, regular exercise, sleep, and rest. It means taking wellness days when needed. We restore the life force within when we get “high” on healthy activities that make us feel alive. 

Individual well-being is an important aspect of regenerative living. And so regeneration includes promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual health, as well as cultivating a sense of purpose and meaning in life. By nurturing our individual well-being and regeneration, we can contribute to an interconnected system that supports the health and happiness of all.

What does regeneration of the earth look like? It means composting our organic materials, planting seeds with the cycles, tending to our gardens, stewarding our lands, and voting with our dollars through conscious consumption. It involves practices such as regenerative agriculture, which focuses on building healthy soil and promoting biodiversity, and regenerative agroforestry, which involves harvesting timber in a way that supports the long-term health of the forest.

Regeneration Starts With You

Regeneration is multifaceted, requiring change at all levels. The first step of regeneration begins with us—with you—and then it ripples out to our communities… and beyond!

Regenerative living also involves building strong relationships within and between communities. This includes creating a sense of belonging and connection at the neighborhood and regional level, fostering empathy and compassion in every space, and promoting social justice and equity. By building strong relationships, we can create a sense of community that supports individual and collective well-being.

Regenerative Living in Action

So, what does regenerative living look like in practice? You can move from these ideas to action with simple practices such as meditation, choosing local and organic products, composting, using renewable energy sources, planting gardens, and reducing waste. Taking action can also involve more complex practices such as studying regenerative agriculture to build healthy soil, promote biodiversity on your land, and reduce the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers for your family and community.

A Path to Thriving Communities

Ultimately, regenerative living is about creating a system that nurtures our planet and all her inhabitants. It is a beautiful path to thriving communities where people can live in harmony with one another and with their surroundings. 

We believe that by adopting regenerative practices and building strong relationships within our communities, we can create a different, healthier world for ourselves and future generations.

Regenerate Your Reality is a community project that started in our own backyard with spreading seeds, preserving biodiversity, planting trees, teaching interactive holistic earth workshops, consulting agroforestry projects, and guiding regenerative agriculture tours. Regenerate Your Reality is transforming from our garden and community project into a book and hub for regenerative educational resources online and on the ground, touring with us!

Welcome to the Regenerative Living Certification

This robust course on regenerative living is designed to give YOU the in-depth knowledge you need to start taking action in your life today. Learn about key regenerative solutions to transform all parts of your life–from your garden and body to your kitchen, finances, relationships, and more. 

This online course empowers anyone, anywhere, to design an autonomous and interconnected lifestyle rooted in the principles of regenerative living: abundance, sovereignty, gardening, soil building, thriving, and herbalism.

In this in-depth course on regenerative living you will learn:

  • How to apply the principles of regeneration.

  • Permaculture fundamentals & how to live in harmony with the land.

  • Agroforestry & Regenerative Agriculture techniques.

  • How to build soil.

  • A conscious path to financial freedom.

  • Herbalism tools and wisdom.

  • How to work with fungi, bacteria and fermentation. 

  • Applications for zero waste and circular economy.

  • Practices to purify the body and regenerate the mind.

Author Bio

Jean is the best selling author of Regenerate Your Reality, a resource for those who seek regeneration in their lives and in the world. She is a partner of Jungle Project, and Soil Advocate at Kiss the Ground. In addition, she enjoys sharing her passions through holistic workshops and regenerative agriculture tours.