We love hosting 1-day masterclasses all about permaculture philosophy and ethics. Here are our slides for your notes from class:

The Principles of Permaculture

  • Principle #1: Observe and Interact

  • Principle #2: Catch and Store Energy

  • Principle #3: Obtain a Yield

  • Principle #4: Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback

  • Principle #5: Use and Value Renewable Resources

  • Principle #6: Produce No Waste

  • Principle #7: Design from Patterns to Details

  • Principle #8: Integrate – Do Not Segregate

  • Principle #9: Use Small and Slow Solutions

  • Principle #10: Use and Value Diversity

  • Principle #11: Use Edges and Value the Marginal

  • Principle #12: Creatively Use and Respond to Change


earth care, fair share, and people care

(combined in a flower)

Permaculture flower - regenerate your reality

{ Permaculture The word Permaculture was coined by the Australians, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid-seventies, in its beginnings this word, described "an integral and evolutionary system of species of perennial plants and animals useful to humans … is the development of a permanent culture to create a foundation of supporting human needs based in harmony with nature. This foundation is rooted in the natural development of surplus or regeneration in your community and environment, rather than settling for sustainability. }

As we traveled we lived in different communities with different lifestyles. We found permaculture as the missing link of connection and solution to many of the world problems. Permaculture philosophy is based on ancient tribal traditions of agriculture and living in harmony with the earth. When we visited and volunteered at Las Cañadas this was the first example of a permaculture farm we saw how people will need to transition to cooperatives and regenerative living. We learned about permaculture through living in action, learning and teaching.

Permaculture is noticing the repeating patterns of nature around us and within us. The rhythm in our body and moon. Our time for reflection, and when we need our community, our tribe. The people around us who hold us. The people around us with shared intentions. 

Permaculture is a powerful holistic tool for designing conscious relationships with everything to surround us, our Mother Nature, plants, animals, our human communities, and all energy that flows in our life’s. Our ancestors were using some of these tools to thrive.  We can also use this tool for the restoration of Mother Nature and society from human destruction.

— Alan Cacao, Engineer, Biodynamics and Permaculture Teacher

Permaculture is focusing on the "Solution" through our actions.

Watch our Permaculture 101 for a brief overview of permaculture.