Camille Willemain, Founder, Earth Daughters, Feminine Embodiment Teacher

Camille Willemain, Founder, Earth Daughters, Feminine Embodiment Teacher @camillewillemain @earthdaughters

Love is a Fire Inside

Love grows in spaciousness where it can breathe.⁠


How often do we choke this flame by following the path of “should,” filling ourselves with things that don’t actually feed us, listening to outside opinions, saying yes when we mean no, sacrificing ourselves for others who don’t want/deserve/require it, judging what we most deeply want, betraying ourselves to be pleasing, and dishonoring the divinity within?

How often do we sell our souls for the utterly inessential?⁠⁠

In doing so we forget what IS essential: our own whole-hearted self-devotion. Our own luminous self-belief. Our own will, offered in service of the precious light we all contain.⁠

True love can only blossom when we reprioritize our unique light as the most important source of our needs. This flame is your most precious asset. It is the sacred essence of your soul. No one and no thing you could ever sacrifice yourself for can offer you this.⁠⁠


Place your fire at the center of the altar of your heart. Become its devoted guardian, even in the harshest of winds. Come home to its warmth whenever you feel distracted or lost. Make life-affirming choices that fan the flames of your love.⁠

You are the only one you promised your life to. You didn’t come here to please or appease. You came here to light the world on fire


Did you know that you cannot possibly get this wrong? 

You can't turn in the wrong direction. Can't take the wrong path or the wrong road. Can't choose the wrong person or the wrong job or the wrong time. Can't react in the wrong way or say the wrong thing. You. Can't. Get. This. Wrong. You can only get it right. No matter what you do.

How do I know that this is true? 

Life is ultimately not about the choices that you make, but about the depth of love you're offering to your choices before, during, and after you've made them.

It's about how much love you allow or deny yourself in the wake of fulfillment, boredom, desire, aversion, or disappointment.

And so every single place, every single path, every single person, every single moment, is ripe with opportunity for you to become more fully who you are. But don't worry. ’Cause even if you're not giving yourself or anyone else love throughout these experiences, life will just give you more opportunities to keep teaching you how to love more than ever before. 

Because life is unconditionally loving. 

That's why it hurts and heals so much. 

So be easy on yourself. 

You're just here to be love

Preparing ourselves for the Golden Age

Prosperity is not the same thing as wealth. You can be wealthy, a "king" and still feel poor. You can be materially "poor" and still feel rich. And you can be materially rich and feel rich, just as you can be materially poor and feel poor. Prosperity is not about numbers.


Prosperity is about how fully you are receiving the abundant blessings that want to be given to you and how much you are allowing yourself to generously give your gifts.

At a time when much of the world is living in material poverty, many people unable to feed themselves or their children, to drink clean water, or to exist beyond survival, and when even those in the top privilege sector of society (which includes every single one of us) still feel poor and limited by money, and a very very small elite few hold an alarming percentage of the material wealth and power, here is much to be gained through awakening to the wisdom of Aphrodite and her various expressions as fertility

Goddesses of love, beauty, pleasure, and abundance.

Camille Willemain, Founder, Earth Daughters, Feminine Embodiment Teacher @camillewillemain @earthdaughters special contribution was featured in Regenerate Your Reality, Book

Chapter 3: Financial Freedom - Living simply, with diversity, sovereignty, and local conscious consumption.

Chapter 5: Love - Discovering love as a state of being. Seeing seeds as the foundation of life. We are seeds of love.
